
We conduct precise calculations and prepare a detailed energy portfolio study based on them, which facilitates decision-making and helps find optimal solutions.

Our Studies

Completely Independent and Objective

We are always on your side. We do not recommend any products or services, whether our own or from third parties. Our goal is to provide unbiased conclusions regarding optimal options for your energy portfolio.

Most Accurate on the Market

We work with available data related to your property. We take into account the actual measured consumption profile and deal with detailed energy flow patterns, not just summary values. We do not make anything up, round off, or simplify.

Automatically Processed and Fine-tuned by Professionals

Thanks to a high degree of automation in the study processing, we are able to create thousands of individualized studies in a short time. Each one is then evaluated by a professional team of analysts and tailored to the specific requirements of the customer.

Types of Studies


We analyze the impacts of transitioning your vehicle fleet to electromobility. The primary outputs of the study are information on the optimal number of charging stations, the size of the battery storage, and the assessment of the benefits of energy trading on the spot market within smart battery management.

Commercial Properties - Mass Studies

We propose options for expanding the energy portfolio with alternative energy sources such as hydro and wind power plants, cogeneration units, and solar and photothermal panels. We create studies for individual commercial properties and provide a “managerial summary” for managers of all properties, which can easily prioritize the implementation of measures on individual properties.

Industrial Areas

We prepare studies for agricultural cooperatives, production halls, logistics warehouses, and factory buildings. We propose the expansion of the energy portfolio with alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic panels, cogeneration units, and others according to individual requirements. We assess the benefits of merging consumption points into one and smart portfolio management.

Towns and Municipalities

For properties owned by municipalities, we prepare a joint independent study that proposes suitable measures for each building separately and also analyzes the possibilities of an energy community for the given properties.

Apartment Buildings

For apartment building managers and homeowners associations, we create independent studies including the sharing of electrical energy between apartment units and the use of energy in common areas. Additionally, we consider the option of merging consumption points and provide a system for fair distribution of revenues and costs among the participants in the sharing.

Family Houses

We propose optimal variants for improving the current energy situation of your property, including the optimization of thermal management with consideration for flexible consumptions and the potential for smart management. The study can serve as a basis for selecting a supplier or comparing several competitive offers.

Local Energy Concepts

For a more comprehensive view of the energy situation, we offer the preparation of a local energy concept for municipalities and towns, which deals in detail with all sectors of the locality. The concept includes an energy action plan that provides recommendations for the efficient use of local resources and the integration of alternative energy sources.

What our Studies Offer

Based on the obtained data, we provide an analysis of the current state, identification of flexible consumptions and demanding appliances in your property.
A proposal for possible measures to optimize the energy portfolio, including options for installing a photovoltaic power plant on suitable surfaces, optimizing thermal management, and using energy storage with an analysis of the potential for smart management.
Evaluation and comparison of the proposed measures with respect to three key criteria: self-sufficiency, payback period, and profitability, and a recommendation of the optimal variant.
Economic projection of the impact of measures over a 20-year horizon for several variants of future economic development and comparison with alternative investments, including consideration of currently available grant schemes.

Interested in smart management for your property?

Visit EnergoMachine web for more information.

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